Saturday, 27 August 2022

MBS Media Blog: Tim Ferriss wins Media Man 'MBS Podcast Of The Month' award: When to Quit – Lessons from World-Class Entrepreneurs, Investors, Authors, and More (#254) and Why (and How) Creative People Need to Say "No"

Media Man


Podcasts Podcasting Mind, Body and Spirit Business Books Media

Tim Ferriss wins Media Man 'MBS Podcast Of The Month' award:  When to Quit – Lessons from World-Class Entrepreneurs, Investors, Authors, and More (#254) and

Why (and How) Creative People Need to Say "No"

Social Media

Greg Tingle

Absolute gold as usual from you Tim. As a concept, I'm not into quitting, but I do believe in pausing,  assessing, regroup, adjust, and continue to move forward. I'm interested to learn what you and your readership thinks of my approach! "It's impossible to beat a man who never gives up" - Greg Tingle, Media Man.

Why (and How) Creative People Need to Say "No" 

Greg Tingle

This is gold. Having been in and around media for over two years one big thing I learned is that the more I said "no" to so many things, the more successful and less stressed I was. Decision on what to focus on, sticking to the plan, and still finding time to smell the roses. Doing what you love and you will never work a day in your live, as the universe days.


Tim Ferriss Official Podcast

Friday, 5 August 2022

MBS Blog: Aura Colors and What They Mean, According to Spiritual Experts

Aura Colors and What They Mean, According to Spiritual Experts

Your spiritual energy shifts with your moods, so aura colors change like mood rings.

If you’re inclined to believe in spiritual forces, you already know that an aura is the invisible energy field that surrounds each of our bodies. Impacting this energy are our feelings and moods, so it is an ever-shifting entity.

And when we refer to aura colors, we mean the hues associated with those changing energy fields. Typically, our auras are a mix of multiple colors, with one more prominent than the rest.

"Our bodies emit energetic frequencies — that’s why you can feel good vibes," explain the twins Emily and Jessica Leung, healers who go by Love Twintuitives. "We are all literally walking mood rings. A person may have a more inherent base aura color based upon their personality, but it’s a snapshot of the moment of your emotional state."

Spiritual expert Audrey Hope adds, "An aura is the vibration we are at, kind of like a sound octave or a musical note. Our auras change at different times depending on our spiritual level, our feelings, our traumas, and what we are giving out to the world."

She explains that each chakra wheel in our body is associated with a unique color. Starting at the root chakra, these colors go from red, to orange, to yellow, to green, to blue, to indigo, to violet.

“If we are sad or depressed, there will be darker colors on our aura readings,” she explains. “If we are living in a shiny, light framework, then golden light will be felt by all who come in contact.”

How to find your aura color

To figure out your own aura color, you can seek a spiritual advisor who will interpret your aura in the process of a reading. You can also take a photograph that will reveal your aura colors, with a special camera known as a Kirlian camera, Hope says.

Ahead, here’s a deeper look into the meaning of aura colors across the rainbow to help guide you as you explore your spiritual journey.

Aura colors and their meanings:


As Hope notes, red is the color of the root chakra, which pertains to the way our physical bodies connect to the physical realm around us. People with this dominant aura color are fearless and bold, with a natural inclination to enjoy life in the form of adventures and experiences in their physical space.

People with red-dominant auras don't typically fear "death, birth, over-indulgence, sensuality, or adrenaline-inducing activities," according to Aura Aura, the platform for Detroit-based conceptual artist and energetics researcher Eileen Lee. Red-dominant people are typically bold, passionate, and not inclined to deny physical pleasures.

The presence of murky or dark red within an aura can suggest ongoing frustration, trauma, or burnout.


Lighter pink, which corresponds to the heart chakra, is rarer among aura colors. It's generally associated with people who are tender, kind, sensitive, and gentle with others. Pink-dominant people are committed to notions about romantic love, and focus on sustaining these sparks in their relationships. These people are likelier to work in creative fields. They have a soothing, healing way about them that naturally comforts others.


People with magenta-dominant auras tend to be unique and free spirited. Since this color combines red and blue, it corresponds to people who are both rooted in the physical realm (like red-dominant people) and also have the capacity for highly intuitive thinking (like blue), according to Aura Aura. Because of this blend, magenta people are often engaged in creative pursuits or professions. It’s an aura color associated with nonconformists — people who stay true to their own ideals and passions without distractions from others' opinions.

"The highest chakra is our spiritual connection to the highest source energy, the universe, the spirit," Love Twintuitives explain. "If a person has a strong magenta aura, they are masters of spirituality."


Associated with the sacral chakra is the aura color orange. This color connects with creative and sensual energy, and an orange-dominant person holds relationships in highest regard, prioritizing them and developing them easily. These people are natural collaborators and find pleasure and comfort in connection. These people might be world travelers or adventure seekers, imbued with dynamism, wanderlust, and energy. "If people have a strong orange aura, they are gifted creatives who are passionate about their art," say Love Twintuitives.

Murky orange can mean an imbalance that stifles self expression.


Yellow is associated with the solar plexus chakra, and people with this as their dominant aura color tend to be self assured and confident. This naturally high self esteem contributes both to happiness as well as to leadership abilities, with infectious positivity and motivational charisma. Like the sun, these people glow with both joy and warmth.

A darker or murkier yellow aura could mean a tendency toward either self criticism or overconfidence, on the other side of the spectrum — a result of “operating too much from our ego-driven self,” according to Aura Aura.


Green is connected with the heart chakra. Accordingly, people who have green-dominant auras exude peace and love without conditions. These people have healing energy, and are naturally well inclined to heal themselves. "People with strong green auras are powerful healers and nurturers," say Love Twintuitives.

This color represents people who are energetically well balanced, making time for both ambition as well as other people.

If a person’s green aura is dark or murky, it might indicate feelings of jealousy or victimhood.


Lighter blue aura is connected with the throat chakra, and the lighter the blue shade the more calm the energy. A person whose aura is dominated by this shade is naturally philosophical, expressive, and inclined to communicate transparently. Typically, these people are inclined to express these truths from a place of feelings, versus facts. "These expressive dreamers place a great importance on personal relationships. Honesty and clarity in communication is very important to them," according to Aura Aura. "They love to gather and share wisdom and make great philosophers."


The darker blue shade known as indigo is associated with the third-eye chakra. People with indigo auras are especially intuitive. "If a person has a strong indigo aura, they are highly intuitively connected and supernaturally psychically gifted seers," Love Twintuitives say. They are empathetic, and are moved to act more by feelings than facts. They are spontaneous and thrive on connection.

Dark or murky indigo can suggest a break from intuition or a phase marked by judgment. "The third eye blinded would have severe emotional and mental instability," Love Twintuitives say.


Purple, or violet, is associated with the crown chakra. As such, it connects to dreams as well as higher consciousness. People with auras in this color have strong personalities, possessing a personal magnetism, ambition, and a natural leadership quality. They are driven by the pull to act on their larger purpose. Candid communicators, they thrive on connection. "If a person has a strong purple aura, they are intuitively divinely connected," Love Twintuitives say.


Connected with the soul chakra, white is the aura color associated with only a small number of people: those who have “transcended the limitations of the physical realm,” according to Aura Aura, which estimates there might be just a few of these people alive. They have no issues with their health or mental energy. It's the color of compassion and unconditional love.

"Angels look like they have wings, but it’s actually their auras that humans perceive as wings," Love Twintuitives explain. "Likely why white is symbolic of angelic beings."

More common are people who have white among a collection of colors in their aura. Such indicates someone who’s in a particularly receptive and pure state.

When a white aura looks cloudy, it could suggest a person in a state of waiting or seeking.

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